Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The Necks


Part two of the Hurdy Gurdy praise and worthy. This would rank as my second in the list of Neck releases ('Sex' being number one), and certainly not due to any failings. I caught Abrahams last week doing a solo set in a small pub to nobody, was stunning. Many moons ago in the dark bowels of a certain radio station young men did once do 6 hr Necks programming whenever they toured, I partook in a couple of these scrabble and coffee medleys, never had a better time on the faders. The boys (bad pun hey) came in once for an interview and seemed a little perplexed why people did such things...

'Click Me'

Keiji Haino

'Abandon all words at a stroke, so that prayer can come spilling out'

The first in a two part upload of my favorite Hurdy Gurdy pieces, or as in will be called from now on "Find one, send it to me, I'll make you a cake, we'll both laugh at the Spanish".

This double cd was about all I had (apart from 'I said, this is the son of nihilism') prior to live Haino back in the glory days that were What Is Music. Really appreciated the show, had a wondefully small collaberation with Merzbow at the end. This was the Brisbane outing, I missed the much famed Melbourne set that seems to have divided many.

Disc One - 'Click Me'

Disc Two - 'Click Me'

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

John Henry Calvinist

'Shackles First to Fit'

Solo chunky noise guitar wonder from one of the main protagonists in the Lost Domain, David Mac Kinnon. Certainly not quiet on the delivery as the alluded to 6 fuzzboxes scruzz about with gusto. Recorded over 7 years from 1990-1997, truly a wonderful outing of which I wish more would appear. There were cassette releases from early Shy Tone days, but I've never encountered them.

'Click Me'

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Niel Armstrong Experience

'Self Titled'

A Shy Tone records wonderbeast featuring Lost Domain personal amongst others. Superflat tone sharks on high hunt for scrape twitch material would be advised to bend over and prepare. Hear the bottle from drunk punter being hurled at them in track one, feel the breeze from the rooftop recording isobar life of the other two. Or just enjoy.

'Click Me'

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Sutcliffe Jugend

'First Official Live Action ever!'

I can't actually recall from where this came, it just appeared , like that exposed sense of joy at 3am post libation jerk swill, stagger and slump, when you find yourself in a timber yard hollering 'Helen Rytka was my food cunt!'. As far as I can gather this is their fist actual live performance from 2005...13 years after gestation... lazier than me = respect. RRR records beast, one track, noiseflankumptious as one would expect.

'Click Me'

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


'Experience the Magic'

Welcome slapguts to sax heaven, where only the slimiest survive and caricatures will forever beef with pseudonyms. This trio have been putting out records since fuck knows when, mostly I have them on the viynls, though this came in a cd.. hence you win. For those entirely bored, I actually played Baritone for about 8 years and would love to again, so if you see one in a gutter or just lazing about, send it my way.

Click Me

Change to compression for both folders and music

Yep, change is afoot! Well operating system anyway, finally installed Mint on this machine so now you'll have the fun of dealing with .ogg for music and tar/bzip for folders. I'm sure with your mighty skills and common sense of will all will work itself out via the search engine of your choice. Godspeed!