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Part two of the Hurdy Gurdy praise and worthy. This would rank as my second in the list of Neck releases ('Sex' being number one), and certainly not due to any failings. I caught Abrahams last week doing a solo set in a small pub to nobody, was stunning. Many moons ago in the dark bowels of a certain radio station young men did once do 6 hr Necks programming whenever they toured, I partook in a couple of these scrabble and coffee medleys, never had a better time on the faders. The boys (bad pun hey) came in once for an interview and seemed a little perplexed why people did such things...
'Click Me'

Abandon all words at a stroke, so that prayer can come spilling out'
The first in a two part upload of my favorite Hurdy Gurdy pieces, or as in will be called from now on "Find one, send it to me, I'll make you a cake, we'll both laugh at the Spanish".
This double cd was about all I had (apart from 'I said, this is the son of nihilism') prior to live Haino back in the glory days that were What Is Music. Really appreciated the show, had a wondefully small collaberation with Merzbow at the end. This was the Brisbane outing, I missed the much famed Melbourne set that seems to have divided many.
Disc One - 'Click Me'
Disc Two - 'Click Me'