Michael Morley's other noise outing, this time a collection of sorts from earlier lathes, cassettes etc.. featuring David Merrit, Julian Dashper and Robbie Yeats on certain tracks of glory. Enjoy the implanted solo from everyones favourite metal cumscum on the second last track 'Mett'.
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i'll get back to you on the tunings when i find a little time... i'll hold your comment 'til i get it done... Mxxx
Thanks muchly for that dude. Always a treat to see what was being used on sounds you've listened to for years. Mark.
gear talk is always good, my good mate Tom is coming up at the weekend, we're editing & mastering the new Jackie-O Motherfucker lp & doing a few gigs with Jane from Mecca Normal... a solid week of beer & music then... YEHAAAY!!!
So how did the edit and master session go? Show's with Jane, good fun! I don't mind a nice slab of Mecca Normal now and then. Though I've a wet spot for Two Foot Flame! Beer and Music, live just doesn't really get any better... I'm off for Throwing Muses tonight and many ales will be swilled.
got completely fucked by the weather actually... the main highway was 10' under water, all the mountain passes were closed... the only way you could get in or out of where i live was boat, plane or Canada... aaah the joys of the pacific north west... rain check in a couple of weeks when things subside... managed to make some great noise & drink far too much though... just coming round...
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